Teds and hails coin

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Revision as of 22:15, 5 February 2011 by Konork (talk | contribs)
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Item Number: 1503
Description ID: 5151401
(view in-game)

teds and hails coin
Plural: teds and hails coins
This coin will say hello to everyone you meet that's named Ted. You might think this would be of limited use, and you'd probably be right.

Offhand Item
Level Required: 6
Autosell value: 103

+8 Reflexes

How Obtained

Teeter Street

When Used

You flip the coin. It's teds. You think.


You flip the coin. It's hails. Maybe?

With a forget-me knot equipped

(Unknown message, please add)

You got an item: paradox knot