Talk:Lost remote control

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Revision as of 12:02, 2 February 2008 by DD the Tinkerer (talk | contribs) (New section: Never done this before so...)

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Any ideas what this does? Unlike the other pulls, it doesn't give an effect when used... --Neuromancer

Ryme (vaguely) implied in chat that it has a use, but wasn't giving any hints. Something like: you'll know when you know. Cristiona

Never done this before so...

"Sweet Relaxation You stop by your hideout to rest for a minute. Remembering the remote control you've been carrying around, you dig it out and watch some television. It's far more satisfying than watching television without a remote. FAR more.

Unfortunately, after a few minutes of use the aura from your super powers shorts out the remote. Weird. Ah, well, it was nice while it lasted.

You gain 183 hit points. You gain 45 power points."

Appears to be a full HP restore when you rest at your hideout, anyone else getting the same or anything different? - DD the Tinkerer