SQUID disc: Public Broadcasting's Greatest Hits

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Item Number: 1299
Description ID: 6069617
(view in-game)

SQUID disc: Public Broadcasting's Greatest Hits
Plural: SQUID discs: Public Broadcasting's Greatest Hits
Admittedly television is a bit short on what you might call educational materials, but this here is a collection of some of the more culturally and historically factual pieces of material shown on Public Broadcasting. That stuff isn't very interesting, so it must be educational, right?

Miscellaneous Item
Level Required: 8
Autosell value: 200

How Obtained

Teeter Street

When Used

Without some type of SQUID Player in your inventory:

You'd like to use the SQUID disc, but you don't have a device capable of playing it.

With some kind of SQUID Player in your inventory:

You load the disc into your SQUID player. Ten seasons of facts and entertainment from public broadcasting are distilled into a few minutes of download. At that pace, the experience density comes out just about right. You gain ?-180-216-? XP.

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