An All-Night Toy Stand

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Revision as of 06:17, 13 February 2011 by Muhandes (talk | contribs) (conetnet?)

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At one still-busy street coner[sic?] you find a cart set up, loaded with toys. It's some sort of all-night toy store. Which, if you think about it, is a pretty questionable business model. What kinds of kids are up all night, out buying toys?

Most of the toys are worthless entertainment, but a few of the items seem like they might be healthy. Do you want to buy anything?

Dumbbell.gif dumbbell 100 chips
Crossword.gif electronic crossword 100 chips
Juggling-pin.gif juggling pins 100 chips
Swing.gif RNG swing 20 chips
don't buy anything

It's Your Move

It's a Deal

When you purchase something:

The clerk takes your N chips.

You got an item: item

When you don't purchase anything:

You decide you don't really want any of the items for sale and keep on patrolling.
