Practice Makes Better

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Rakes-trowel.gif This page contains some non specific data which NEEDS SPADING:
What makes you gain what?

As you're walking by a martial arts studio, the sensei invites you in for a quick sparring match, to help sharpen both of your skills. Figuring practice against a master would always be beneficial, you agree. The sensei takes careful measure of your getup and stance, and then approaches with appropriate countermeasures.

By the end of the match you feel you've really enhanced your reaction time. You gain 3 reflexes.


By the time the bout is over, you've had an excellent physical workout. You gain 3 strength.


By the time you've finished sparring, your understanding of strategy has been deepened. You gain 3 intellect.


It's a good all-around workout, and you walk away feeling better for the experience.

You gain 95-101 experience.
