Shift soda

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Item Number: 1662
Description ID: 17886542
(view in-game)

Shift soda
Plural: cans of Shift soda
When you're trying to keep your bodacious figure, you can't be loaded down with empty calories. Brought to you by the same folks who created the now-obscure sodas called Pause, Break, Space, and CaTaRL, and the slightly more modern Alt and Command lines of soft drink. What ever happened to those, anyway?

Miscellaneous Item
Level Required: 4
Autosell value: 10
Contains caffeine (3)

How Obtained

Exchange at Subscriber's Exclusive Store for 2 subscription vouchers


  • The item is a reference to Tab, a brand of diet cola.
  • The description refers to the Tab key and other keys on a computer keyboard, such as CTRL.