Ectoplasmic bowling ball

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Item Number: 1768
Description ID: 70469620
(view in-game)

ectoplasmic bowling ball
Plural: ectoplasmic bowling balls
Ectoplasm, the gunk left behind from ghosts, is extremely malleable, and able to take any form. Currently, it has taken the form of a bowling ball.

Being a large ball, this thing isn't terribly dense, thus you could throw it overhand, just like a certain beer commercial character. Also, there's no energy drink hiding inside, so quit trying to drink it.

Comes from October 2011 Item of the Month

Miscellaneous Item
Item cannot be auto-sold
Combat Usable

Only one of this set can be used per combat.

How Obtained

Use ectoplasmic bedsheet in combat

When Used

Feeling a little run down, you try to get a shot of your favorite pick-me-up from the bowling ball. Sadly, it's not that kind of bowling ball.

When Used in Combat

You wing the bowling ball overhand (ectoplasm is pretty light, after all) and smash your opponent for ? damage. Despite being light it has a heavy impact (part of the physics of ghostly objects, don'tcha know) and knocks your opponent to the ground, stunned.

You quickly scoop up the now-squished bowling ball. It's far too unstable to use again this fight, but you'll want it later.

You got an item: ectoplasmic glove