Talk:Can You Show Me the Way?

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Revision as of 15:57, 13 October 2011 by Valmo (talk | contribs) (~)

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Not sure on how to spade the XP for these so I'll just put it here I got 82 XP (LVL 9 Gadgeteer) from this encounter.

Also caught this in chat so I'm guessing they will change in the next few days.

[Normal] Kurg: WOW

[Normal] Kurg: 205 xp at level 2

[Normal] Kurg: Not sure if that was intentional or not :)

[Normal] Ryme: ah, carp. Probably needs to scale like the cube does

[Normal] Kurg: Thing is the Cube needs unlocking, this just needs range 4

[Normal] Ryme: yes, so it definitely needs to scale


Looks like the original plan of grabbing data points and then making them work with the known cap isn't going to work right (especially when I forget about +xp gear equipped.). So to fix that mess I transmogrified my combat item farmers and after 83 visits at level 1 I'm looking at a range of 35-41xp which was a lot odder than I had hoped. This will probably take a week or more to get sorted though but it will get nailed down. --Valmo 15:57, 13 October 2011 (PDT)