Verse of the dodo

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Item Number: 434
Description ID: 8541997
(view in-game)

verse of the dodo
Plural: verses of the dodo
This is a touching, skillful, pages-long verse about the dodo bird. Powerful and moving, the contemplation of another creature's extinction makes this life seem all that much more valuable and precious.

Level Required: 6
Autosell value: 253
{{#vardefine:consumable|no}}{{#vardefine:consumable|{{#var:consumable}}}}Can be welded

+3 XP per turn

How Obtained

Triassic Park and Bestiary

Other Uses


  • This item was first seen equipped by the in-game NPC Susan Novak (#21), who is also notable for equipping items where they don't belong.


  • References the book "The Song of the Dodo: Island Biogeography in an Age of Extinctions" by David Quammen.