Gandiva's Charm

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Item Number: 1814
Description ID: 91709703
(view in-game)

Gandiva's Charm
Plural: Gandiva's Charms
Gandiva was a hero from the Golden Age of Twilight who was a member of the Charmed Four, a group of superheroes put together by a PR firm to cash in on all the real heroes out there. They mostly relied on staged events and high tech gear, but they all wore a little charm bracelet with their symbol on it. Who knew their loyal fans would infuse those charms with power?

She was frequently called the "quiet one", and the one least comfortable with the lime light, which made her exceptionally popular with the team's young female fanbase. When the team was called into action, she was the one who was rarely seen as, instead of charging into battle, she would sneak about and find an elevated position to attack from. Much like her namesake, she carried an inexhaustible quiver of arrows and rained down thunder upon her enemies.

Nobody knows what happened to Gandiva, actually. During the team's first mission as a trio, she melted into the shadows and simply never returned. Some people think the Sisters of the Night got her out of professional jealousy, but considering the similarities in both disappearances, most historians think that some kind of unknown, shadow-based villain got her and the Sisters.

Special Wok of Stars Item

Item cannot be auto-sold
{{#vardefine:consumable|no}}{{#vardefine:consumable|{{#var:consumable}}}}Item cannot be worn in runs with a 'no pulls' restriction

+3 extra ranged attack(s) per turn.
+20% to initiative
Unlocks Sonic Sniper
-20% to your maximum Hit Points

How Obtained

The Wok of Stars


  • When bought: The shopkeeper takes your 5 silver stars. As you start to ask where the charm is, you find it's in your pocket. Sneaky.