December water balloon

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Revision as of 11:07, 25 December 2012 by Patojonas (talk | contribs) (start)
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This page contains some non specific data which NEEDS SPADING:
plural and uses
Item Number: 1979
Description ID: 17526025
(view in-game)

December water balloon
Plural: Unknown
Saved for the long winter months, this water balloon is the less famous cousin of the June snowball. And, if you don't have anyone you need drenched, you could probably eek a little hydroelectric power out of it.

Offhand Item
Autosell value: 20

How Obtained

Was given to each player by Kinak as a gift for Christmas, 2012. The message said:

If there's one thing you should expect in your stocking, it's the unexpected. I'll forgive you for not expecting a water balloon, though. That's way out of left field.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good (water balloon) fight!

Included item: December water balloon (quantity 1)

When Used

  • Naturalist
  • Gadgeteer
  • Psion
  • Elemental

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