Manual of Egyptian knife fighting

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Item Number: 754
Description ID: 2834648
(view in-game)

manual of Egyptian knife fighting
Plural: manuals of Egyptian knife fighting
This book contains the secrets to an ancient art of ass-kicking so deadly all of its practitioners accidentally killed each other off and now have to fight each other vicariously through reincarnated versions of themselves. It's cooler than it sounds, trust me.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 66

Gives your sidekick understudy a new skill.

How Obtained

Triassic Park and Bestiary

When Used

First time:
You understudy spends some time going over the manual, until knife fighting seems as natural as the sands of Egypt. Your sidekick learns a role: Egyptian knife fighter.

Subsequent times:
Your understudy already knows this skill. It would take another life and nearly falling off of a floating airship to be able to re-learn the art of Egyptian knife fighting.

During the Cat and Mick-y Mouse Game quest:
Your kidnapped sidekick isn't available for training right now. The whole being kidnapped thing, you know.


  • Item is not used up on subsequent tries to use it.
  • This item can be used before full-time sidekicks are available. However, the sidekick itself is not usable until full-time sidekicks become available.


  • Refers to the movie The Mummy Returns which involved a series of knife fights between the two female characters Evelyn/Nefertiri and Meela/Anck-su-namun. And indeed, it is cooler than it sounds.