Chubby bunny

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Item Number: 1569
Description ID: 8844209
(view in-game)

chubby bunny
Plural: chubby bunnies
This isn't actually a fat rabbit. Nope, it's a small (sugar-free) marshmallow in the shape of a rabbit. It may not look like much, but shove a few in your mouth and see what happens.

Comes from March 2011 Item of the Month

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 15

How Obtained

Using mystical slouch of sorcerous mayhem (0-5)

When Used

You shove the chubby bunny in your mouth and try to say "chubby bunny". It's a fun little game and it makes you feel a little better. You gain 40-60 HP and 40-60 PP.

Using multiple:
You shove the chubby bunnies in your mouth and try to say "chubby bunnies". It's a fun little game and it makes you feel a little better. You gain some HP and some PP.


  • References the game Chubby bunny.
  • The item's image is of a holiday bunny version of marshmallow Peeps.

mystical slouch of sorcerous mayhem
mystical slouch of sorcerous mayhem (empty)
Item Effect
chubby bunny Restores 40-60 HP and PP
ponderous dove Ponderous dove (companion)
+XP per turn
razor dove Combat Item
crying dove Violet Shower
+10 foe toughness
super-cute bunny Combat Item
-15 foe toughness
vorpal bunny Vorpal bunny (companion)
Attacks foes
endless handkerchief Combat Item
Stuns for 3 rounds