Talk:Pick cheese

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Revision as of 17:45, 31 July 2013 by RKBrumbelow (talk | contribs)
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The vegetable page says this gives 1 reflex, the page itself says it gives 1 strength, and the pattern of the rest of the items says it should give 2 intellect. On a side note, I /knew/ the last item would be in the sewers, but I spent many turns there without it dropping. Need to verify information and make sure the pages have correct info. - Satan 9:47 AM, 7/31/2013 CDT

As a Psion (L12) I had a total of 10 of these drop during spading. I multi-used 7 The Message given was: You'd say these pick cheese... chick peas are pretty grand. In fact, you feel 7 Reflexes faster already So I suspect the data I put o the vegetables page is correct This may mean there are other veggies out there though --RKBrumbelow (talk) 08:28, 31 July 2013 (PDT)

The stat gained may be related to your highest base stat as buffing my Intellect higher than my Strength didn't change my outcome. Would your highest stat happen to be your Reflexes? --Valmo (talk) 10:18, 31 July 2013 (PDT)
more likely because of the location it is based on grey sand usage --RKBrumbelow (talk) 10:45, 31 July 2013 (PDT)