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Vegetable is one of the three consumables in Twilight Heroes, the others being Caffeine and Sugar. Consuming a Vegetable increases a linked stat.

You may consume a number of vegetables equal to your level. Each vegetable item is linked to a specific stat.

Summary Table

Item Benefit Foe Requirement Notes
bowl of greens +2 HP surly bowler N/A You eat your greens, because they're good for you... precisely 2 maximum HP good for you.
cafeteria cauliflower +2 Int deranged mutant level 8 You can tell this cauliflower came out of a cafeteria because it's still holding the shape of the ice cream scoop that filled it. Looks like somebody didn't eat their veggies.
futuristic vegetable paste +2 Reflex hovertank level 8 You spray the vegetable paste into your mouth. It's like vitameatavegamin and vegemite had a baby... vitameatavegamite.
You want to get as far away from it as possible. Your body apparently agrees as you gain 2 Reflexes.
Heirloom carrot +10 HP Nocturne's Shop ??? You'd say these pick cheese... chick peas are pretty grand. In fact, you feel 1 Reflexes faster already
pick cheese +1 Varies slick thug ??? You'd say these pick cheese... chick peas are pretty grand. In fact, you feel 1 Y Yer already
triassic turnip +2 Strength coelophysis level 8 You slowly consume the massive turnip. Bite, chew, chew, chew, swallow... bite, chew, chew, chew, swallow... it's a workout already, helping you gain 2 Strength.
watercress +2 Power Points distempered catfish N/A You munch the watercress like some sort of searabbit (probably a distant relative of the seacow). And, like the El-ahrairah of searabbits, you feel filled with 2 maximum PP of new tricks.


Other than the Heirloom items, the Vegetables were released on Vegetablemas