Blockee blocks

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Revision as of 22:19, 3 May 2014 by Patojonas (talk | contribs) (foe note)
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combat damage range
Item Number: 2244
Description ID: 17794812
(view in-game)

Blockee blocks
Plural: piles of Blockee blocks
This is probably the deadliest weapon known to man. You ever step on one of these unawares in the middle of the night? Game over, man. Game over.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 1
Combat Usable

How Obtained

Adventuring while wearing the Blockee power armor or Blockee ATV

When Used

It feels like you'll need more blockees than this to make anything, even if it's just a box.

Using multiple:
Using 1, 2-8:

It feels like you'll need more blockees than this to make anything, even if it's just a box.

Using 9:

You make... a box! Woo! Blockees are the best!

You got an item: Blockee box

Using 18 and higher multiples of 9:

You start assembling your Blockees into... boxes, you guess. I mean, you don't have any wheels or anything, so basically anything you make is going to end up being a box.

You got an item: X Blocken boxen

Using 10 or more, excluding the multiples of 9 will get you as many Blocken boxen as the inserted number can make and return you the unused Blockee blocks.

When Used in Combat

1st time this round

You throw a handful of Blockees at <foe> for ?-11-14-? damage.

Nobody expects a faceful of Blockees at the start of a fight and now your opponent is going to have to watch their footing.

following times

You throw a handful of Blockees at <foe> for ?-11-14-? damage.

Other Uses


  • 1st combat use lowers foe's dodging ability by 25% of it's current value.