Trionic computer instructions

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Item Number: 2256
Description ID: 9366969
(view in-game)

trionic computer instructions
Plural: trionic computer instructions
In all honesty, building a trionic computer isn't particularly difficult. The problem is making sense out of the instructions. I mean, having it randomly switch from English to French to Chinese to Coptic to Aramaic to some weird alien language makes it really hard to figure out what goes where. To say nothing of how to configure the jumpers.

Miscellaneous Item
Level Required: 9
Autosell value: 2000

How Obtained

outskirts of Area 54

When Used

You look over the trionic computer instructions. It lists everything you need to assemble 3 computers.

Part Needed Quantity Needed You Have
Electronic Computer 3 n
Positronic Computer 3 n
Trion 3 n

If you don't have all the parts

It looks like you're missing a couple of pieces. It's bad when you have parts left over, but it's even worse when you don't have enough parts to start with.

If you have the parts

It looks like you've got enough parts to assemble a trionic computer. Would you like to go ahead and put one together?

Build the Machine

With much bashing and smashing and crashing of the poor computer's parts, you eventually get a working model put together.
You got an item: trionic computer

Using multiple: Same as single use


  • Components are not consumed if you attempt to build and fail. The item itself is never consumed.


  • The build text ("bashing and smashing and crashing of the poor computer's parts") is suspiciously similar to the style of speech used by Gurgi in The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander.