Shark's Tooth Necklace

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Item Number: 77
Description ID: 2674901
(view in-game)

Shark's Tooth Necklace
Plural: Shark's Tooth Necklaces
Sort of like a lucky rabbit's foot, this necklace has been made out of a shark's tooth attached to a heavy leather thong. Okay, so those two things aren't much alike, but the necklace does grant you a ferocious offensive ability, though at the cost of a bit of your intellect.

Item cannot traded, sold, or placed in a memento display
+n (.5 x your level) melee damage
Unlocks Naturalists' Predatory Instincts
-1 Intellect

How Obtained

  • Starting talisman for Naturalist heroes.
  • Any of the base talismans may be transmogrified into this.