Glowing rat

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glowing rat

You are fighting a glowing rat.

As rats go, this one isn't very impressive. It might actually be a large mouse, or a big shrew, or an extremely tiny capybara. When it's glowing it's kind of hard to pick out the details. It's definitely a rodent, though.
Your opponent attacks ...

Hit messages:

  • It jumps at you. You try to dodge, but don't quite make it. Rats.
  • The rat jumps on your head, pulls your hair, and inexplicably makes you dance around like a puppet until you're really tired.
  • It gnaws a hole in your pants, and then keeps on going when it gets to your energy-laden leg.

It drains some of your energy, stealing X PP.

Miss messages:

  • You take several really big steps backwards. While it runs back toward you, you squint until it's just a burst of light. Star rats -- palindrome for the win!
  • It comes at you like the ratbag ratel it is, but you scare it with a rataplan ratatat that sends it scurrying to its ratty rathole. Rational? Perhaps not, but that's rats for you.
  • You luck out when the rat gets chased off by a frusion cat.

Victory! You beat up your foe and win the combat!

You gain 28 experience.

You got an item: frusion speck (30%)
You got an item: frusion speck (30%)
You got an item: frusion filament (19.9 ± 2.4%)
You got an item: frusion tendril (10.1 ± 1.8%)

Known resistances/weaknesses

Immune to all damage types.



  • The second hit message refers to the movie Ratatouille, where the rat controls Linguini by pulling on his hair.