Floyd's dark prism

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Item Number: 2198
Description ID: 89720740
(view in-game)

Floyd's dark prism
Plural: Floyd's dark prisms
Hello, is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can read this.

The child is grown, the dream is gone, and all that's left is this dark prism. You'd think a black prism wouldn't be a prism, but you'd be wrong; it still shines, just like a crazy diamond. The colors are strange, limpid green instead of lime, but it will still summon your soul to endless sleep and drag you down.

No, wait. That's bad. It'll do that soul-thing to the bad guys.

April 2014 Item of the Month

Offhand Item
Item cannot be auto-sold
{{#vardefine:consumable|no}}{{#vardefine:consumable|{{#var:consumable}}}}Item cannot be worn in runs with a 'no pulls' restriction

Shines with a dark rainbow

How Obtained

The Wok of Stars


At the beginning of combat, you will receive one of the following:
  • Floyd's prism splits the darkness, bathing you in shadows the color of money. Wait, color? Just one? How do you tell the denominations of chips apart if they're all the same color?
  • Floyd's prism splits the darkness, bathing you in the shadow left under clear blue sky. It's surprisingly depressing, but that blue sky really comes out, leaving everything around you lit up better than a flashlight.
  • Floyd's prism splits the darkness, bathing you in a relaxing shade of black. You'll need some information first, just some basic facts once you've shown <foe> where it'll hurt.
  • Floyd's prism splits the darkness, bathing you in darkness from beyond the stars. You can't see anything for a second, but your enemy takes X brain damage.
  • Floyd's prism splits the darkness, bathing you in the exact shade of black left by an eclipse. You don't see dreams or anything, just find a nice corner to sit in where nobody can bother you. It's also pretty defensible.
  • Floyd's prism splits the darkness, bathing you in the dark shade of marching hammers. You've gotten kind of used to it, but your opponent is pretty confused.
The following combo messages will be available after 9 PM:
  • Light is changing to shadow and casting its shroud. Floyd's prism splits the darkness, leaving you in a eclipse's shadow under a clear blue sky. It shows you a defensible location and the location of your opponent's valuables.
  • Light is changing to shadow and casting its shroud. Floyd's prism splits the darkness into the color of money and the shade of marching hammers. It's confusing and economical!
  • Light is changing to shadow and casting its shroud. Floyd's prism splits the darkness, casting a shade that leaves you numb and distresses your opponent for X brain damage.


  • From rollover to 9 PM only single messages show up.
  • From 9 PM to 7 AM (10 hours interval) the chance of combos raises from 0 to 100% in a linear fashion. Chance goes up by 0.16(6)% every minute.
  • From 7 AM onwards only combo messages show up.
  • The color of money message increases chip drops by an unknown factor.
  • The clear blue sky message increases item drops by an unknown factor.
  • The shade of black message increases XP at the end of the fight by 20%.
  • The darkness beyond the stars message deals X psychic damage based on the foe's current HP. X is currently unknown.
  • The eclipse message lowers foe's accuracy and offense by up to 10 points.
  • The marching hammers message stuns foe for 2 rounds, including the 1st round.
  • When bought: The shopkeeper stumbles out of the backroom looking somewhat dazed and hands you a dark prism.


Item of the Month
Preceded by
Superagency and You
April 2014
Floyd's dark prism
Succeeded by
Blockee power armor