Cyclopean scorpion

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cyclopean scorpion

You are fighting a cyclopean scorpion.

In the desert you encounter a cyclopean scorpion. "Cyclopean" in the sense of "gigantic", not in the sense of how many eyes it has. Actually, it's only got one eye, so that part's accurate, too.
Your opponent attacks ...

Hit messages:

  • The scorpion gingerly picks you up with its claws and brings you up to its eye for inspection. Unfortunately, "gingerly" for a giant scorpion is still pretty painful.
  • The scorpion jabs you with its stinger and hauls you over. Seriously, does it just know that one move? damage+ (acid) damage
  • You take a cyclopean stinger to the chest. The stinger's just huge. It doesn't actually have any eyes at all. damage+ (acid) damage

It hits you for X damage.

Critical hit message:

Your opponent has a critical hit! It hits you for X damage.

Miss messages:

  • The scorpion gingerly picks you up with its claws and brings you up to its eye for inspection. You tell it you're "No Hero" so it'll look silly when it tells its friends about this fight later. If scorpions had friends. Which they don't.
  • The scorpion tries to jab you with its stinger and haul you over, but you see it coming from miles away. Seriously, does it just know that one move?
  • You jump out of the way as a cyclopean stinger slams into the ground next to you. The stinger's just huge. It doesn't actually have any eyes at all.

Fumble messages:

Your foe fumbles! It takes X damage.

Victory! You beat up your foe and win the combat!

You gain 68 experience.

You got an item: carapace shield (11.8 ± 2.4%)
You got an item: ichor (26 ± 3.3%)

Known resistances/weaknesses

100% weak to sonic damage.
50% resistant to psychic damage.



  • The first miss message refers to Odysseus telling Polyphemus (a cyclops) that his name is "No-One". Later, after Odysseus blinded Polyphemus, the cyclops told his friends "No-One has blinded me."
This enemy is an animal.