Asylumbreak! Battle of Shiloh

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1. Visiting Twilight Police Department after ? gets you:

Rand brings himself closer to you, close enough you can smell the cheap coffee on his breath and see the bags under his eyes. "Shiloh Sanitarium's a problem... a big problem. There've been some breakouts... folks you may know."

He leans back a little bit. "The orderlies say everything's okay, though, so maybe it's okay. I didn't even know they had orderlies."

This adds the following journal message:

Officer Rand has informed you, in confidence, that Shiloh Sanitarium has lost track of a lot of patients... including some you've faced off against before. But apparently the orderlies say everything is okay.

Wait... they have orderlies?

2. Equip either a ZOM exoskeleton or both a ZOM shirt and ZOM pants, get a source of flying, and equip a gas mask or a steam mask. Adventure in Shiloh Sanatarium until you encounter an orderly, and choose to follow her. This unlocks Shiloh Sanitarium (zone), and updates the journal entry to:

You've found a secret facility under Shiloh Sanitarium. It's still being excavated, but it should be done at some point.

3. The rest of this quest is still in development.