Troutmaster 2.0

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Troutmaster 2.0

You are fighting the Troutmaster 2.0.

You open the door, looking out over the subterranean pool. An eerie green light fills the place from overhead, filtered through an almost-visible haze of chlorine.

There doesn't seem to be a shallow end, so you jump in one of the deep ends, finding yourself face-to-face with the Troutmaster. Someone's done a real number on him... other than you, that is.

Someone had the technology to rebuild him better, stronger, and probably equally waterproof. If only they were using that technology on your phone instead of making stronger supervillains, the world would be a better place.

The Troutmaster doesn't seem to be interested in that world, though. He's just interested in a rematch.
Your opponent attacks ...

Hit messages:

  • The Troutmaster turns a dial on his arm. Judging by the way the pool just froze over, that was a thermostat. (ice) damage
  • The Troutmaster splashes you in the eyes. Gah! Chlorine! (acid) damage
  • The Troutmaster stabs you with his trident, which he apparently kept on hand from your last fight.

He hits you for X damage.

Critical hit message:

Your opponent has a critical hit! He hits you for X damage.

Miss messages:

  • The Troutmaster turns a dial on his arm. The pool starts getting colder, but fighting keeps you plenty warm.
  • The Troutmaster tries to splash water in your eyes, but this isn't your first game of Marco Polo.
  • The Troutmaster stabs at you with his trident, but doesn't quite connect... probably because it was shortened while being integrated into his cybernetics.

Fumble messages:

Your foe fumbles! He takes X damage.

Victory! You beat up your foe and win the combat!

You gain 200 experience.

Huh, this gadget looks like a bit of cobbled-together trash, but whirs to life when your talisman gets near it... like it's drawing power from it somehow.

You have acquired a new skill: Bubble Sprayer

Known resistances/weaknesses




  • If you don't have underwater gear, the foe always hits, with the following line preceding the attack message:
... it's hard to dodge underwater when you can't breathe underwater...
  • If you don't have underwater gear, there'll be a special damage starting on the 2nd round, which will increase until the end of the fight
Chlorinated water pours into your lungs for X damage from suffocation and X (acid) damage from that horrible chlorine sting. If only you could breathe underwater.
  • As an Elemental with no underwater gear, the message is instead
The water deals you X (acid) damage from that horrible chlorine sting. Unfortunately, chlorine isn't an element. I mean, it is, just not the good kind you can control.
  • At the end of each round of combat:
The Troutmaster loads some pro-freeze in his Bubble Sprayer. (1st round)
The Troutmaster sprays you with freezing bubbles for Y (ice) damage. (2nd round onwards)
The Troutmaster fires a spray of freezing bubbles over you, locking you in a fortress of ice for Y (ice) damage. (2nd round onwards)
The Troutmaster tries to build a barrier of freezing bubbles between you, but the Bass-O-Matic makes short work of it. (occasionally, with the Bass-O-Matic 77 equipped)