Behind Door Number Three ...

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You pick one of the doors in a long hallway of doors and find an expansive laboratory. There are several options:


  • Grab the nearest box
  • Investigate the shelves on the right
  • Check out the experimental equipment on the left
  • Forget the store room and go find something more interesting

Go with the plan


If you chose Grab the nearest box:

Take the Lockbox and Run
Not really wanting to stick around in an unsafe location, you decide the best strategy is to smash and grab. So you smash the nearest box you can find, grab the contents, and run off to a more sheltered area to investigate. When you open your hand, you're more than a little disappointed with what you find.

You got an item: black flakes

If you chose Investigate the shelves on the right:

Trusty, Dusty, Not-so-portable Laboratory
The shelves on the right turn out to be almost universally boring. Dusty boxes filled with scraps of paper, cheap glass test tubes, mostly neglected chemical equipment, and lots of dust. I did mention all the dust, right? Houses get dusty, but castles get dusty.

Eventually you give up in dusty disgust. On your way out you notice that you've gotten some green stuff all over your clothes. You brush it all up into a little pile, and it turns out it's a sizeable amount of whatever it was.

You got an item: green residue

If you chose Check out the experimental equipment on the left:

The Ballad of Bunsen and Beaker
The left side of the room is arrayed with an elaborate experimental setup: bunsen burners, beakers, vials, powders, and all the usual trappings. The lab manual sitting on the desk doesn't quite look like anything you remember from high school chemistry. It's far more pictorial, and features lions and phoenixes--phoenices? Tuscons?--along with squiggly symbols that don't resemble normal chemical symbols that you remember.

You're examining a petri dish with some sort of grey shavings in it when you hear a noise in the hall. Thinking quickly, you dash to the back of the lab and slip out a door on that side of the room.

You got an item: greyish scobs

If you chose Forget the store room and go find something more interesting:

You decide to run away and live to fight the empty room another day. Wait, how does that go again?

  • Does not consume time



  • The title of the adventure refers to Let's Make a Deal, in which many contestants were offered a choice between several doors.
  • The title of the first choice refers to Take the Money and Run.
  • The text for the third choice refers to the fact that Phoenix and Tucson are both cities in Arizona.