De-enervation juice

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Item Number: 295
Description ID: 3720693
(view in-game)

de-enervation juice
Plural: bottles of de-enervation juice
This stoppered bottle contains a slightly iridescent liquid inside. A hand-made label (you know, like from one of those label makers you get as a child where you type in "label maker" and stick it on the side, and that's the last you ever use it?) says "De-enervation Juice." That seems like a funny way to put it.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 130

How Obtained

Rooftops of downtown

When Used

You down the vial of slightly iridescent liquid. It tastes a bit like peppermint. Or mouthwash. It stings a little going down. You gain 30-40 PP.

Using multiple:
You down the vials of slightly iridescent liquid. It tastes a bit like peppermint. Or mouthwash. It stings a little going down. You gain X PP.