Ye olde levee
ye olde levee
Plural: ye olde levees
Although not properly a berm of earth for holding back waters, this is a barrier of a different kind. And it can technically hold back water, along with all sorts of other things. Like electricity and self-doubt and that noise the kids call music these days.
Heirloom Derby Mettle Runner Up Reward
Offhand Item
Power: 10
Item cannot be traded or sold
Item cannot be auto-sold
+3% resistance to all elements
Better the longer it's been in the family
How Obtained
- Item comes in the following message:
Hello future self! We didn't quite get the mettlest <item> run, so I decided we needed more mettle... er, metal... in shield form. We know what I mean.Included item: ye olde levee (quantity 1)