Esoteric pizza

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Revision as of 23:30, 28 February 2018 by Taltamir (talk | contribs)

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Item Number: 2736
Description ID: 88495697
(view in-game)


esoteric pizza
Plural: esoteric pizzas
Although many would claim even bad pizza is good pizza, this pie is so strange it stretches the very definition of pizza itself. At some point it becomes less of a food item and more of a philosophical quandry: how do you make a pizza literally no one wants?

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 5

How Obtained

Neighboring and neighborly neighborhood

When Used

You're not certain why anyone would make this pizza, let alone eat it, but your contemplation on the mystery of the universe help you regain 4 HP and 4 PP.

Using multiple: Unspecified