Go Fish, Again

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1. Non mandatory: Visiting Twilight Police Department the first time after you reach level 8:

Rand continues, "I don't want to bother you with too much else, but I've also heard about something going on at the university. I think the soldiers are a bigger threat, but I seem to recall you've got a contact there who might be able to give you more info."

Your journal will say:

Rand mentioned there's something odd going on at the university. Maybe Susan Novak could shed some light on the subject?

2. Talk with Susan Novak and she will say:

"Oh, thank goodness you're here! The oceanography department has been reporting some truly strange events on their sonar and seismographs. There's something unnatural going on under the bay, and we're afraid that the Big Earl's Inc. oil derrick might be connected somehow. I know you're probably really busy these days, but if you could check it out for us, we'd really appreciate it. We have the location of the derrick, and would do something ourselves, but... well... that's not really our forte, you know?"

You say you'll see what you can do, while wondering how to juggle this plus the latest assignment from Rand. No rest for the weary, it seems.

Your journal will say:

Seismic disturbances in the bay? Sounds like work for ... uh, you. Go see what's going on at the oil platform.

3. Visit Big Earl's Big Oil Derrick to get Life On The Big Rig. Your journal will say:

The oil platform in the bay seems to be under some sort of environmental terrorist attack. Only you can save them, <player>!

4. Continue adventuring in Big Earl's Big Oil Derrick until you get Waterline Arsenal Roundabout. Your journal will say:

The eco-terrorists on the oil platform have led you to their underwater base. You should investigate more and see what's going on down there.

5a. Adventure in Underwater Base until you get I'm All Locked Up. continue to step 6

Your journal will say:

The eco-terrorists on the oil platform have led you to their underwater base. You should investigate more and see what's going on down there. So far you've found what you think might be the entrance to the main office, but you can't seem to get in without a key.

5b. Adventure in the Byzantine Interior of the Unborn Base until you get One of These Things is Not Like The Other. You will need to open the interior of the base first, see Trouble in the Wasteland. skip to step 7

Your journal will say:

The eco-terrorists on the oil platform have led you to their underwater base. You've found what you think might be the entrance to the main office, and later you located a key, so you need to find your way back through the maze of tunnels to get to the heart of the matter.

6. Keep adventuring in Underwater Base until you:

Defeat Lightning Rod Jones.
Defeat Shifty Sam.
Defeat Iron Will Mike.
Encounter I Spy, With My Little Eye...

7. Adventure again in Underwater Base until you get Methinks this Lab Doth Protest too Much. Your journal will say:

The eco-terrorists on the oil platform have led you to their underwater base, where you've discovered that they have dealings with the nefarious Mick. You've found what you think might be the entrance to the main office and you've got what you think is the key. Are you ready to put a stop to all of this?

8. Adventure again in Underwater Base until you get I'm All Locked Up. Choose "Yes, let's end this". Your journal will say:

You've destroyed Livia la Frostheim's underwater base and put a stop to her nefarious activities for now. Since Susan sent you in this direction, you might want to let her know what was causing all the seismic disturbances--particularly the one you caused when the base blew up.

9. Talk to Susan Novak:

You fill Susan in on some of your recent adventures in the bay. She nods sagely when you explain the explosion of the underwater base, something her geologist colleagues were very worried about. She's interested to hear that you found the property stolen from the university during the riot, but is sad to learn that it was destroyed along with the rest of the base. She doesn't seem to have any theories as to what Livia might have been using the gear for, though.

You note that Pax Verde is still causing trouble on the derrick itself, but now that the anomalies have been identified Susan isn't that worried about it. You shake your head and wonder how a scientist can dismiss an issue as a "known problem" when things are still being blown up out there.

The following message will be added to the Completed Quests section of your journal:

You've destroyed Livia la Frostheim's underwater base and put a stop to her nefarious activities for now. She seemed to have the high-tech goods that the Mick stole from the university during the protest/riot, but unfortunately the base blew up before you could determine what the connection was or for what purposes she was using the gear.


  • 500 XP for finishing the quest.


  • Step 5b can only be started after step 4 has been completed, but choosing to start on 5a or 6 do not block it.