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How Obtained

Companion obtained from item.
Item: bone flute
Duration: 240 minutes


Ability: Attacks foes with physical + psychic, +X damage absorption


  • Your byakhee screeches at your opponent, giving everyone a headache. It does 4-9 + 4-9 damage.
  • Your byakhee shudders a little and lets out an ear-splitting cry, loud enough to make your ears bleed. It does 5-11 + 5-11 damage.
  • Your byakhee needs to stretch its wings, so it goes on a spin through interstellar space. Don't worry, it'll be back in time for next round.
  • Just as your opponent is about to attack, your byakhee swoops down in front of you to take part of the blow. It didn't look so good before that, and it looks worse now.
  • Just as your opponent is about to attack, your byakhee swoops down in front of you to take part of the blow. It didn't look so good before that, and it looks worse now. That last blow was too much for your space zombie "friend," and it explodes in a cloud of yuck.



The Byakhee are a fictional race of interstellar beings in the Cthulhu Mythos.