Denim pants

From Twilight Heroes Wiki
Revision as of 21:45, 8 December 2007 by Satan (talk | contribs) (New page: Go back to Items by Name Category: Items center This is a pair of blue jeans. They're comfortable, durable, and ruggedly stylish. If you believe the comm...)
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Go back to Items by Name

This is a pair of blue jeans. They're comfortable, durable, and ruggedly stylish. If you believe the commercials, they're also important enough that you would tackle a fleeing criminal if one tried to steal your pants. Since you're a superhero, there may actually be some truth in that advertising.

Power: 5
Autosell value: 5

Can be welded with plasteel plating into Plasteel trousers
Can be welded with titanium plating into Safety pants

Drop Locations

Investigate the trash bin out back
Buy at Pilant's Hardware and Soft Wear