Dr. Stoll's Medical Soles

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Item Number: 312
Description ID: 7193995
(view in-game)

Dr. Stoll's Medical Soles
Plural: Dr. Stoll's Medical Soles
Are you beat? Do the feet feel defeat? Do you want to bleat, "No more, I can't take the heat!"?

If so, you'll have happy feet as soon as you seat these soles between you and the street. It's neat! It's not a cheat! You'll be ready to meet and greet your 1337 friend Pete with a cry of "Sweet! I've got happy feet!"

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 40

How Obtained

Randomly when using a backpack.

When Used

You slip the inserts into your shoes, and immediately there's a spring in your step. You gain an effect: Happy Feet. (Added for 90 minutes.)

Using multiple: Same as single use
