Metal club

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Item Number: 1174
Description ID: 1912477
(view in-game)

metal club
Plural: metal clubs
You need me to describe this? It's a club. Made of metal.

Melee weapon (Bashing, small)
Power: 20
Autosell value: 20

How Obtained


When Used

With channeling grip, energy cell, mini Faraday cage, and miscellaneous connectors, which are lost in the process:

Metal club! Energy cell! Channeling grip! Mini Faraday cage! Miscellaneous connectors! Combine in the form of ... Voltron! Er, energy mace!

You got an item: energy mace

Without the items:

You try to mash this together with a few other items, but the creative spark just isn't there.


  • The use message refers to Voltron, the combined form of the five robot lions on the series carrying that name.