No Sun Here

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You fly through the skies over Twlight on hand-crafted wings, musing how much smarter you are than Icarus. He took his wings out on a sunny day. But now, it's not only night, but also overcast. Nothing's going to melt tonight!

Especially because you're not using wax. Who needs wax when you have highly conductive metals? Wait, wait a second... that's...

Krak-THOOOOOOOOOM! The thunder and lightning team up on you. The thunder gets you in the face for X damage while the lightning sneaks up behind you for X damage.

If you fail to survive the onslaught:

One of those didn't agree with your wings, if the way you're hurtling to the ground in a cloud of feathers and illuminum is any indication.

You wake up sometime later in a puddle of muddy rainwater, as though the storm is trying to add insult to injury.

Well, I think we all learned an important lesson today.

You gain 5 Intellect

Your vehicle becomes: broken wings

The first time you survive the onslaught:

One of those didn't agree with your wings, if the way you're hurtling to the ground in a cloud of feathers and illuminum is any indication.

Despite flying in a thunderstorm, getting struck by lightning, and being mostly dead, you manage to glide to the ground safely on your broken wings.

Ha ha! Screw you cloud!

You gain 10 Intellect

Your vehicle becomes: broken wings

Future instances where you survive the onslaught:

One of those didn't agree with your wings, if the way you're hurtling to the ground in a cloud of feathers and illuminum is any indication.

Hey, you're getting the hang of this!

You gain 5 Intellect

Your vehicle becomes: broken wings

