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You are fighting the Orwhal.

You catch up with the Orwhal as she stomps her way across Twilight. Her inexplicably scaly feet crush buildings as though she were human-sized and they were made out of foam... You know, as a simile.

Somebody's out in force helping, at least if the circling helicopters are any indication.
Your opponent attacks ...

Hit messages:

  • She swats down a circling helicopter. It lands near you and explodes. (fire) damage
  • She stumbles into a building near you. Judging by the explosion, either there was a gas main there or things have started exploding for no reason... continued exploding for no reason. (fire) damage
  • She tears apart a small building. Rubble rains down on you.

She hits you for X damage.

Critical hit message:

Your opponent has a critical hit! She hits you for X damage.

Miss messages:

  • She swats at a circling helicopter, but it dodges. Woo! Go helicopter!
  • She stumbles into a building near you, but it was scheduled for demolition anyway.
  • She tears apart a small building. Rubble rains down on you but it's strangely light.

Fumble messages:

Your foe fumbles! She takes X damage.

The orwhal collapses in her tracks. The citizens of Twilight gather around to cheer!

Your league gains 5 Prestige!

You found an item for your League Vault: orwhal hair wand (See Notes)
You found an item for your League Vault: orwhal onesie (See Notes)
You found an item for your League Vault: Centry armor (Guaranteed Drop)
You found an item for your League Vault: Centry flight helmet (See Notes)
You found an item for your League Vault: Centry minigun (See Notes)
You found an item for your League Vault: Centry propeller (See Notes)
You found an item for your League Vault: ultrataffy (See Notes)

Known resistances/weaknesses

Immune to fire damage.



  • When fighting while flying or aboard a chopper, the image is replaced by:
  • When fighting this foe there are a couple special abilities you can access from your item use drop down menu. The one that appears first is Get in a chopper!, using it you get:
You wave down one of the choppers floating around the Orwhal, pelting her (largely ineffectually) with missiles. They agree to give you a lift.
If you successfully got in the chopper, in the next round that ability is replaced by Grab the minigun, using it for the first time you get:
You grab the minigun (which, despite the name, turns out to be quite large) and shoot the Orwhal for 75-150 damage. She shakes her head in irritation.
The following times, you get:
You grab the minigun (which, despite the name, turns out to be quite large) and shoot the Orwhal for 75-150 damage. She continues to shake her head in irritation.
She really doesn't seem to like getting shot with a minigun. On the bright side, it also seems to be drawing her attention from everyone running around down below.
  • The number of rounds before it escapes is related to your transportation range. You don't get unlimited rounds for using the dreamer's clock though.
  • Combat items that deal percentage damage are capped at 200 damage.
  • Stunning is less effective and lasts half as long, with the message:
Your opponent is too stunned to act, but is shaking it off faster than you expected.
The orwhal continues her <pace> through Twilight, putting considerable distance between you.
The great beast stops her <pace> to roar in frustration and confusion. (increases Accuracy and Offense)
A building topples between you and the Orwhal, but you jump over it in a single bound and follow the beast on her <pace>. (if you can Super Jump but aren't Flying or aboard a chopper, she'll escape next round)
A building topples between you and the Orwhal, but (you fly/the chopper weaves) through the falling debris to follow the beast on her <pace>. (if you can Fly or are aboard a chopper, she'll escape next round)
A building topples between you and the Orwhal blocking your path forward in a wall of fire and twisted metal. (ends combat if you're on foot)
The orwhal manages to outdistance you. (ends combat)
  • Where <pace> is an indicator of the foe's sustained damage, which can be one of the following:
Up to 1000 damage: unconcerned stroll
1001 to 2000 damage: stroll
2001 to 4000 damage: hurried walk
4001 to 6000 damage: jog
6001 to 8000 damage: run
8001 to 9000 damage: desperate race
9001 to 9999 damage: unsteady walk
  • Followed by a special attack message:
The orwhal seems too distracted by the choppers buzzing around her head to attack you directly. (no damage)
The orwhal notices you for just long enough to step on you for X damage. Ouch.
The orwhal swats out at you with her tail, dealing you X damage.
The orwhal turns towards you, flames coruscating from her horn and enveloping you. It's as scalding as this description is verbose, dealing you Y (fire) damage.
The orwhal levels her horn at you, shooting a single massive fireball in your direction. If the Y (fire) damage damage is any indication, you made it angry.
The orwhal tears a (conveniently empty) building out of the ground and throws it at you. You're not sure why it exploded when it hit you, but that X damage + Y (fire) damage is probably going to leave a mark.
The orwhal throws a complete (but thankfully empty) building at the helicopter you're riding. You go down in flames for X damage + Y (fire) damage. (removes you from the chopper)
The orwhal grabs a handful of circling helicopters and throws them at you. The choppers' missiles explode on impact, dealing you X damage + Y (fire) damage.
Well, they probably won't be giving you a lift any time soon. (removes the Get in a chopper! ability for the duration of the turn)


  • Contains references to Kaiju movies.
  • The Orwhal's ground-level image is of the most famous Kaiju.
  • "Get in a chopper!" refers to the quote "Get to the chopper!" from the movie Predator.