Plaudits gift bar

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Item Number: 874
Description ID: 9980266
(view in-game)

Plaudits gift bar
Plural: Plaudits gift bars
This candy bar isn't for you. No, it's a Plaudits Bar, the candy you give to someone else. Presumably someone who deserves recognition, for a job well done, a joke well played, a challenge well met, or a service well, um, serviced?

When you don't want to get them a card, and you're too lazy to use actual words to express your feelings, nothing takes care of those tasks for you like a Plaudits Bar.

Miscellaneous Item
Item cannot traded, sold, or placed in a memento display
Item is a free pull while in a retcon run

How Obtained

Shiloh Sanatarium

inner sanctum of the Unborn Base

When Returned through [send to player]

You graciously deliver your thanks and/or approval to <player> in the form of a Plaudits bar.

Trying to return the item to yourself:
This is not the sort of item you can give to yourself and have it mean anything.

Effect on Receiver:
<player> just sent you a Plaudits bar. Looks like you must have done something they wanted to plaudit. Er, applaud.

Included item: Plaudits candy bar (quantity 1)

In chat: <player> just applauded you.


  • The item is a reference to Kudos granola bars. The word "kudos" is synonymous with "plaudits".