Pyramid Casino

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Pyramid Casino
Location: Out in the Desert
Combat %:
Foe XP range:
ID: 92

Combat Adventures

confused alien tourist

Item Drops: interstellar pack, spacetime camera, xenoflower shirt

Chip Drops: ?-117-188-?

Experience Gained: 155

hieroglyphic slot machine

Item Drops: bent pyramid chip

Chip Drops: ?-137-190-?

Experience Gained: 155

knife golem

Item Drops: badly bent knife, dull new knife, knife, large knife, long knife, sharp old knife, tofu knife

Experience Gained: 165

mummy dealer

Item Drops: dusty card, pyramid chip, pyramid chip

Chip Drops: ?-122-199-?

Experience Gained: 160

swarm of scarabs

Item Drops: scarab cufflinks, scarab earring, scarab hairpin, scarab tie tack

Experience Gained: 180

Noncombat Adventures

Cry for Mummy

Mr. Golden Sunlamp

Rinse Cycle

Running Out