Snowy song sheet

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Item Number: 2346
Description ID: 31137653
(view in-game)

snowy song sheet
Plural: snowy song sheets
Written in the key of snow major, this cheerful song is not intended to be sung by humans. Or anything with lungs, actually.

Comes from January 2015 Item of the Month

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 10

How Obtained

Sometimes dropped after combat with a snow angel halo equipped.

When Used

You could build a snowsinger with some packing snow and these sheets. Use [number] snow. [Build It]

Clicking Build it:

You roll up a snowsinger and hand it the sheet music. It warms up with a self-aggrandizing song about a singing, dancing snowman before moving on to the hard stuff.

You gained a companion: Snowsinger for 30 minutes