Talk:Ghost of X

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Drop Spadings

Out of a total of 694 adventures, I got:
0 ectobits: 0 times 0%
1 ectobits: 99 times (14.3% ± 2.7%)
2 ectobits: 285 times (41.1% ± 3.7%)
3 ectobits: 247 times (35.6% ± 3.6%)
4 ectobits: 57 times (8.2% ± 2.1%)
5 ectobits: 6 times (0.9% ± 0.7%)

Since it is much more likely to find 1 than 4, and from what I observed the first always has the got message, the first one is a guaranteed drop, which leaves us the remaining 4 with a chance to determine.

1*285+2*247+3*57+4*6=974 randomly found ectobits
4*694 adventures=2776 possible random ectobits

Drop chance = 35.1 ± 1.8, which indicates a real drop chance of 35%

--Patojonas 08:02, 2 June 2012 (PDT)