Talk:Lanky robot

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I'm initially contesting the apparent 50% resistance to electrical damage this monster receives. Using the Aegis Flux Incapacitor, I'm doing comparable damage with each element. Using Thor's Bolts, I'm still doing the additional +8 electrical damage. Base damage from the Thor's Bolts also does not appear to be affected by any apparent 50% resistance. Doing comparable damage with a Long Arm of the Law. Will someone confirm this and confirm with spells? -eight bit hero- Feb12, 02:22 (EST)

  • I don't have any electric damage myself, so I put down what people said they appeared to be doing. If it's wrong, feel free to correct it. --Valera 00:29, 12 February 2008 (MST)
  • I would like confirmation with electrical spells before a definite change is made. - eight bit hero

Can someone confirm all four damage types? I'm reluctant to add a 4th message for just one foe.--Muhandes 05:43, 4 June 2009 (UTC)