Talk:Mystical slouch of sorcerous mayhem

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  • chubby, ponderous, razor, crying, super-cute
  • super-cute, razor, crying, endless, razor
  • crying, razor, razor, vorpal, super-cute
  • razor, super-cute, chubby, endless, endless
  • vorpal, razor, crying, ponderous, chubby
  • crying, vorpal, razor, super-cute, super-cute
  • razor x 3, vorpal, crying dove

--Muhandes 11:27, 2 March 2011 (PST)

  • 2 vorpal, chubby, ponderous, crying

--Blackmatter615 14:18, 2 March 2011 (PST)

  • razor, chubby, ponderous, ponderous, endless
  • chubby, crying, chubby, crying, ponderous
  • vorpal, endless, super-cute, super-cute, ponderous
  • ponderous, super-cute bunny, endless, super-cute bunny, vorpal
  • 4 vorpal, razor

--Luniki 23:09, 6 March 2011 (PST)--Luniki 01:28, 5 March 2011 (PST)

  • chubby, super-cute, crying, vorpal, razor
  • crying, (2)ponderous, razor, endless

--User:Trog --‡ Trog ‡ 03:51, 5 March 2011 (PST)

I'm having difficulty adding some things, so here's some references I spotted:

  • the gangly white rabbit wants to steal Trix cereal
  • the car bumper is a reference to the Volkswagen Rabbit
  • the albino rabbit is Bunnicula
  • the small psychic rabbit is a refence to Watership Down
  • the clucking rabbit that lays eggs references an advertisement for Cadbury Creme Eggs


At some point, someone more eager than I should probably reorder the references so they match up with the messages. Cristiona

done --Blackmatter615 07:25, 30 March 2011 (PDT)

Someone care to explain why the badly drawn rabbit references who framed roger rabbit? because id put even money on the framed picture named roger references that.--Blackmatter615 07:25, 30 March 2011 (PDT)

I think the framed rabbit references Roger, while the badly-drawn rabbit references his wife, Jessica ("I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.") Also, I think the hare in military uniform references a March hare. --Sanjuro 16:09, 30 March 2011 (PDT)

"I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way." Cristiona

So, I haven't gotten an endless handkerchief in at least two weeks. Has anyone else experienced a marked dropoff in that department as well? --‡ Trog ‡ 03:44, 18 May 2011 (PDT)

Just got one today. Cristiona
Finally! It's been at least two and a half weeks between Endless Handkerchief drops. --‡ Trog ‡ 06:08, 22 May 2011 (PDT)

It was only one week between endless handkerchief's this time. --‡ Trog ‡ 07:55, 29 May 2011 (PDT)