Talk:Shiloh appointment schedule

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Apponted time was 7:15, got Somnus on the turn starting 7:16:30 (but not on the previous turn, which started at 7:12:30) --XKiv (talk) 06:38, 15 September 2013 (PDT)

Appointment at 9:00 PM, still there at 9:02 PM, 9:04 PM, 9:06 schedule says:

It looks like the appointment with Dr. Somnus started at 9:00 PM... it's probably still going on right now.

I'm guessing, based on the set time observed so far, that the appointment lasts 15 minutes and you can find dr somnus from the set time to set time+15 minutes Patojonas 07:39, 15 September 2013 (PDT)