Unbranded Arena - Hero Dash

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Unbranded Arena - Hero Dash
Location: Seedy Casinos
before starting the Dash:

Today's Hero Dash is in <location>. By signing up to the event below and heading there, you can meet and overcome special challenges.

Rushing headlong may not be your best bet. After all, the best heroes are prepared. Every day there are new challenges at a new location and those who completed the previous day's Hero Dash will receive special rewards.

The faster you complete the dash's challenges, compared to the other dashers, the greater your rewards will be.

You will only find today's Hero Dash challenges in <location> if you start the dash with the button below.

Event Status
<event 1> Available
<event 2> Available
<event 3> Available
Start the Dash

after clicking on Start the Dash:

You sign up for today's <location> Hero Dash. Good luck!

Event Status
<event 1> Started
<event 2> Started
<event 3> Started
during the Dash:

You started today's <location> Hero Dash at <initial time>.

Event Status
<event 1> Started/Finished
<event 2> Started/Finished
<event 3> Started/Finished
after the Dash:

You finished today's <location> Hero Dash in <amount of time taken>.

Event Status
<event 1> Finished
<event 2> Finished
<event 3> Finished

List of possible events


  • After starting the Hero Dash for the day, three special non-combats can be found at the location given.
  • Completing all three events of the Hero Dash earns you Hero Dash ribbons the next day