Water buffalo

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Water buffalo

How Obtained

Companion obtained from skill/item.
Skill: Summon Water Buffalo
Skill item: Scubby brand buffalo snax
Duration: W minutes


Ability: Attacks foes


  • The water buffalo tosses your opponent up in the air with its horns, doing X goring damage.
  • The water buffalo charges and tramples your foe, doing Y damage.
  • The water buffalo bellows and stomps one hoof, but does nothing.


  • X is 7-12 + S-2S or, where S is the number of skill points invested in the skill Summon Water Buffalo.
  • Y is 15-21 + S-2S.
  • W is 30 + 6*S.
  • Acts about 70% of the time, with an even split between regular attacks and goring.
  • Prior to the sidekick/companion split, X was 6-(6+S) + S + floor(level/6). Y was 12-18 + 2*S + floor(level/5).
  • Prior to the introduction of skill points, X was 16-26 + floor(level/6), Y was 32-38 + floor(level/5) and W was 60.