Adapted Brutgel

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Item Number: 1621
Description ID: 20420181
(view in-game)

adapted Brutgel
Plural: tubes of adapted Brutgel
This is a tube full of a glowing blue slime. It doesn't look especially healthy, but if television and video games have told you anything, it's that tubes of glowing slime are probably from aliens and can be used to heal wounds. It works for intergalactic hunters, and I'm sure it'll work for you, too. As an added bonus, it has a nice scent!

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 225

How Obtained

Rooftops over WoDo

When Used

You slather the goop all over your body. It's really, really gross, but you feel a whole lot better afterwards. You gain 1/3 of Max HP.

Using multiple: Same as single use