Bubble gum

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Item Number: 1195
Description ID: 5467279
(view in-game)

bubble gum
Plural: packs of bubble gum
If you ever wanted to be a walking (or sitting) stereotype, pop some of this in your mouth and start smacking your lips. Bonus points if you chew loudly and blow bubbles with it.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 100

How Obtained

NCI Live building‎

When Used

You pop the gum in your mouth and start chawin' on it in the most annoying manner possible. You gain an effect: Rude as the Day Is Long. (Added for 60 minutes.)

Using multiple:
You pop the pieces of gum in your mouth and start chawin' on them in the most annoying manner possible. You gain an effect: Rude as the Day Is Long. (Added for some minutes.)

Other Uses