Camp Camping Camp: Training Activities

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Camp Camping Camp: Training Activities
Location: Camp Camping Camp

You can choose from a variety of different training activities. Each activity takes 10 minutes to complete, but you can enjoy them as many times as you like.


Nature Study

Target Practice

Fitness Course


You go for an intense technical climb up a chimney of rock. You gain X Strength points.


There's some fantastic rock climbing in Camp Camping Camp, and you enjoy yourself thoroughly as you work your way up a steep rock face. You gain X Strength points.


This park and campground in the mountains has diverse climbing options. In this case you decide to go climb a few trees, but then spend half of the time scrubbing the sap off of your hands. You gain X Strength points.

Nature Study

You spend some time observing wildlife, and learn a few things about nature. You gain X Intellect points.


You spend some time studying and photographing the botany of the area. It's nice, because unlike wildlife plants can't run away. You gain X Intellect points.


You take a nice geology study. It's not directly related to things you need for super-heroing, but it never hurts to expand your mind. You gain X Intellect points.

Target Practice

You spend a little time at the camp's archery range, working on your accuracy. You gain X Reflexes points.


There's a rifle range and gun club at one end of the park. There you spend a little time practicing. You gain X Reflexes points.


Eschewing the man-made ranges, you simply take a hike through the woods and use some old logs and tree stumps for target practice. You gain X Reflexes points.

Fitness Course

You work your way along several stations of the camp's extensive fitness course, getting a nice all-around training. You gain Y xp.


You engage in a mini-triathlon in the camp's extensive fitness area, getting a good mix of training. You gain Y xp.

15% of the time you also get:

You gain 1 Strength point.


You gain 1 Intellect point.


You gain 1 Reflexes point.


  • X is is 1 up to level 30, 2 from levels 31 to 60 and 3 from level 61 onwards.
  • Y is Level*(10,10.5,11,...17), Level is capped at 60. XP modifiers apply.