Stranglet needle

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Item Number: 1467
Description ID: 6181907
(view in-game)

stranglet needle
Plural: stranglet needles
Please be careful with this. Stranglets are a theoretical exotic particle that could very well annihilate everything. Luckily, this one is contained in a magnetic bottle to keep it from getting out. I won't ask how you got your hands on such a thing, because I really don't want to know.

Melee weapon (Piercing)
Power: 94
Level Required: 10
Autosell value: 157
+10 damage to positronic robots

How Obtained

cosmic crystals photonic chiller
stranglet needle


  • The description refers to the possible (but so far unobserved) destruction of ordinary matter by interaction with strangelets. Such an interaction could hypothetically destroy the earth.