Talk:The Parachutist's pants

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The Farthest Reaches of Insanity (150 turns testing) LV 78E

Strength: 350
Intellect: 430
Reflexes: 459
To-hit ability: 624
Dodge ability: 772.2
Offensive power: 130
Defensive power: 1185
aluminum baseball bat
normal melee:90-103
parachute drop:224-258

~2.5 ratio

Offensive power: 130 -> 1421
Torch of Nug (+50% weapon damage)
normal melee:438-780
parachute drop:1137-1887

~2.5 ratio

Therefore parachute drop works as a weapon attack that does 2.5 times the damage of a regular attack.
Also, 1st use in each turn stuns the foe. Skill id is 1031.

Patojonas  14:07, 31 May 2014 (PDT)