Talk:Trylon strap

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Cannot be Welded. Has not been attempted to be assembled with Astral Spline, Ethereal Club, Pandimensional Club, bottle of pills [or pills from them], lab suit, can of gingerette, carapace shield, colossal mandible, polyester suit, taut sinew, vial of powdered mojo, crib sheet [duh], abaddon charm, smoldering ash, fusion pack, Ebon Eye of the Deep, Scalpel Energy drink, white pill, work gloves, Trylon-strap. [all other items, as of the wiki's item database December 31, 2007, have been attempted] --Valera 15:08, 31 December 2007 (MST)

  • Combining two trylon straps does make something. A shirt called a harness. Hen3ry 16:14, 31 December 2007 (MST)
  • Does the cat burgler still drop the trylon strap? I've gotten metaphorical claws, and pocket van de graaf generators, but not a single trylon strap in over 40 turns. -- Dossy 12:39, 25 February 2008 (MST)
    • Okay, after 78 turns, I finally dropped my first trylon strap. That's roughly 1.28%, which makes sense as I'm wearing +20% item EQ. So, looks like trylon strap has a 1% drop rate? -- Dossy 12:51, 25 February 2008 (MST)
    • I just dropped another trylon strap after 42 more turns. Of course, I realized I'm not counting number of cat burglar adventures, just turns spent in Downtown. Ooops. -- Dossy 13:09, 25 February 2008 (MST)