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Things I've done on the Wiki
- Wrote most of the Retcon Guide
Penguinpyro's Retcon Walkthrough- incomplete.- The Quick and Dirty Speed-Retcon Guide- A straightforward but advanced guide to how I speedrun.
- Revised the General Farming guide.
Things I've done In-game
- First to have 2x Robe of 'Umr At-Tawil, discovered the plural.
- Second place in Harry Dresden's March 2012 Level 50 Contest.
- First place for most total retcons.
- First place for Lifetime PvP Rank (permanently!)
- First place score for too hard retcons
- First place for Lifetime HP and PP
- Did 10 one-day retcons in 24 hours.
- Ion the prize
- Discovered a bunch of things in-game, including two merit badges and one sidekick.
To Add To the Wiki
- hammer recipes with toffee
- hammer recipes with computers
- paper mache recipes
- toffee recipes x3
- feels use
- training room enemies
- training room drops
- gritty enemies
- gritty item special effects
- somerset mine introduction
- somerset mine enemies
- somerset mine items
- level 11 shortcut
- lab assistant + quest
- pollution merit badge
- ZOM merit badge
- that one thing with Burning Ice
- sleeping dog thing (and other sleeping animals)
- mind jab thing
- monster truck thing
- season's greetings thing?
- lots more things that escape me
My alts are Fire Loving Chicken and Colonel of Truth. The former is a quasi-spading alt (mostly to screw around with crazy ideas). The latter is retired.